Monday, May 18, 2020

The Artist And The Work - 958 Words

â€Å"Everything you can imagine is real.† There are many visual artists, composers and writers we could pass on the street and never recognize them. Yet we are still curious. There is something about artmaking that draws us to it but it seems so foreign to our own lives. We want to know more about these seemingly special people who can accomplish these unique things. We can t help but conflate the two. The artist and the work. Well, to some extent, an artist s work is always about the artist. How can it be otherwise, since they have no other source but themselves? When we look or hear art, we only see and hear artist, because that is all we can see it s all we have to work with. The problem with art is, because we love it so much, we put the artists who created it on pedestals and we believe they cannot fail because, in some corner of our mind, we’ve formed a relationship with them and their product, and for us to discover them as imperfect shatters the illusion. We have made a god in our mind where there is only a human, as flawed and imperfect as ourselves, but what that piece of art they created gave us, in that moment in time, was pure love, joy and satisfaction. The art didn’t do anything wrong to you. The art shouldn’t be punished. Say what you will of the artist, but the product they produced and that you love shouldn’t be demeaned if it made you happy for one moment in time. Can we separate the art from the artist? Only ethical answer is? No. Most people like RomanShow MoreRelatedA Range Of Artists And Their Works2006 Words   |  9 Pagesâ€Å"Artists who innovate and challenge existing conventions have an effect on the artworld as profound as an earthquake- they change the shape as of the art landscape†. Evaluate this statement with reference to a range of artists and their works. An earthquake is a ground shaking movement initiated by a sudden movement of rock in the Earth’s crust. 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